Audio Interviews and Transcripts

Interview with Sandy Ambrozy
by Anna Demasi

Anna conducted many phone interviews to gather information. Below are her notes on her interview with Sandy Ambrozy.

AMD - Anna Demasi

SA - Sandy Ambrozy (aunt of Anna Demasi and daughter of William McAlister)

AMD: When is your first memory at the Club and explain?

SA: I remember going to Club when I was 5 or 6 and playing golf on the driving range and spending time at the lake. We were not allowed in the dining area but would spend time practicing golf.

AMD: Did any of your friends from school go to the Club with you?

SA: Only a few. Kim Burbank was a good friend of mine, and her parents were best friends with Grandma and Grandpa. Kim played tennis. Not many of my friends from high school belonged to the Club, but I had friends that I spent time at the Club from other schools.

AMD: Where there any rules you remember when you were little?

SA: Couldn’t go into the dining area. Had to wear a collar shirt golfing. Had to be respectful and polite. Couldn’t golf on the weekend.

AMD: Anything you wanted to do at the club that you couldn’t?

SA: No, the rules were rules, and we learned to follow them.

AMD: What was it like having your dad has a president?

SA: It was an honor. People really respected my father and so it was important that I behaved. They really liked him and I think liked our family.

AMD: Where there things you could and couldn’t do because he was in power?

SA: I could not get into any trouble or break any rules!!

AMD: What was it like having your wedding there?

SA: It was perfect! It was a big social event and attended by many Club members that were family friends. I grew up knowing the staff and they were wonderful and did an amazing job.

AMD: Have you noticed anything that’s changed over the years since your father has passed away, both good and bad?

SA: Members are different; some are only there in the summer and I think they have very high expectations of service and I don’t know if they always treat staff as respectful as we use to.

AMD: Three words to describe your father?

SA: Fair – dapper - humble.

AMD: How do you want people to remember your father?

SA: I think a lot of people have wonderful memories of my dad, and I think he did a lot of good for people very quietly and changed the direction of the culture of the Club.

AMD: Anything you wish was put in place when you father was president?

SA: No – he did an amazing job.

AMD: Anything you didn’t agree with when he was president?

SA: No.