Basic vim Commands

The Basics

i vim is now in insert mode. You can type text normally, navigate using the arrow keys and use backspace to delete. Having said that, do not stay in insert mode.
Esc vim is now in normal (not insert) mode, and you can use all the other commands mentioned below.
:w Save the file.
:q Quit out of vim.
:wq Save the file and quit out of vim.
/meowww Search the document for the text following the slash, (in this case meowww)
u Undo the last action.

h Move the cursor one character to the right. Does the same thing the right arrow key does.
j Move the cursor one line down. Does the same thing the down arrow key does.
k Move the cursor one line up. Does the same thing the up arrow key does.
l Move the cursor one character to the left. Does the same thing the left arrow key does.
A (Shift + a) Takes you to the end of the current line and enters insert mode.
0 Takes you to the beginning of a line.

Cutting, Copying, Overwriting and Deleting
r Overwrites the character under the cursor with the character you type after r.
x Deletes the character under the cursor.
dd Deletes current line and copies it to the buffer.
yy Copies the current line to the buffer.
p Pastes whatever is on the buffer bellow the line.
P (Shift+P) Pastes whatever is on the buffer above the current line..